Traffic Ticket Attorney
Traffic infractions (traffic tickets) can threaten your license and your livelihood. Increased insurance premiums and the loss of a driver’s license or Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) are among the many possible consequences of a traffic violation conviction. I handle moving violations and non-moving violations of every sort, from speeding to negligent driving in the second degree with great success. You have the right to a hearing to help you avoid the negative consequences of a traffic ticket infraction.
Remember, you only have 15 days from the date of the violation to request a hearing. Any Delay could cost you your right to contest your ticket.
SR-22: What You Need To Know
If your driver’s license is suspended by the Department of Licensing in the State of Washington, either because of a conviction for DUI or at an administrative hearing, you will be required obtain and maintain SR-22 insurance for a three year period following reinstatement or getting an Ignition Interlock Licence (IIL).
SR-22 insurance is also associated with the following:
- A serious criminal traffic ticket violation like Reckless Driving
- At-fault accidents while driving without insurance
- Repeat traffic offenses or getting too many tickets in a short time period
- License suspension or revoked license
How Long Do I Need an SR-22?
Usually, SR-22 insurance is required for a three-year period following reinstatement or getting an IIL. You must carry continuous insurance during the specified period of time before SR-22 status is removed. If your policy lapses or is canceled, your auto insurance company is required to notify the state immediately and your license will be suspended again.
How it works
Your insurance company will file the actual SR-22 form with Department of Licencing to show proof of insurance for you. Once the SR-22 is filed your license suspension will be lifted and you can drive again legally. SR-22s are state specific — what’s required in one state may not apply in another state.
If you currently carry an SR-22 in Washington but move to another state, you must fulfill the SR-22 filing period for Washington, even though you no longer reside here. Also, your insurance policy for your new state must have liability limits which meet the minimums required by law in Washington. Though the SR-22 concept is similar from state to state, you always should check with your insurance company or agent to verify SR-22 specifics for your state.
Contact us for assistance with a traffic violation.
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